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Food Security @ ECRL Survey Results

We asked and you answered! THANK YOU to the more than 160 participants in our survey about food security at ECRL. The results are in, and we have identified the top 3 priority activities for our communities. 

Food Security @ ECRL

Definition: Food Security is when "all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life".

In other words, food security is having consistent, reliable access to safe, nutritious food. 

Goal 1: Increase community awareness of food insecurity.

Goal 2: Provide resources & opportunities to support food security.

The Results

Food Security Matters! Respondents rated the issue of food insecurity at 8.2/10.

ECRL User prioritize food giveaways in the library, community pantries, and partnership development. 

The Word Cloud highlights common words and phrases that appears in responses, with many mentioning the importance of community and access. 

To learn more about food security at ECRL and other community wellbeing initiatives, visit our Community @ ECRL page.